Our World Today:
Perils of this Time we live in.

"Satan is busily laying his plans for the last mighty conflict, when all will take sides. After the gospel has been proclaimed in the world for nearly two thousand years, Satan still presents to men and women the same scene that he presented to Christ. In a wonderful manner he causes the kingdoms of the world in their glory to pass before them. These he promises to all who will fall down and worship him. He claims to be the Prince of heaven, he presents before men entrancing views of the kingdom of God, and claims that these are views of his kingdom. Thus he works to bring men under his dominion.

"Listen to the voices, mark the powers, that prevail in the world. Is there any voice of prayer? Do you see any sign that God is recognized? There are priests, plenty of them; but they are trampling under their feet the law of Jehovah. Their garments are stained with the blood of souls. Multitudes are sacrificing to devils. Look, you who are hesitating between obedience and disobedience. Look in imagination at the vast multitudes worshipping at Satan's altar. Listen to the music, to the language, called higher education. But what does God declare it?--The mystery of iniquity.

"Men in their blindness boast of wonderful progress and enlightenment; but to the eye of Omniscience is revealed the inward guilt and depravity. The heavenly Watcher sees the earth filled with violence and crime. Wealth is obtained by every species of robbery, not robbery of men only, but of God. Men are using his means to gratify their selfishness. Everything they can grasp is made to minister to their greed. Avarice and sensuality prevail. Men revenge themselves on those who, they suppose, have hindered the success of their ambitious projects. They cherish the attributes of the first great deceiver. They have accepted him as God, and have become imbued with his spirit.

"Satan is working to the utmost to make himself as God, and to destroy all who oppose his power. And today the world is bowing before him. His power is received as the power of God. It seems that the whole human creation has wondered after the beast. The kings and rulers of the earth, those who are called noblemen, think themselves altogether too great to submit to the yoke of Christ. But they are willing to bow at Satan's bidding.

"Behold Satan's miracle-working power. Every object in the earth, in the air, and in the water has been employed to confirm his claims. Those who yield to these claims are alive with intense activity, one influencing and stimulating another by confirming the greatness and glory of their kingdom. See the activity, the restless surging of the mass in their determination to take and occupy the place of the throne of God. What eagerness, what rage, they exhibit in their religious enthusiasm. Mark the defiant rebellion written in their countenances. Their warfare is against their Creator and Redeemer. How vast is the procession they form. How mighty they think themselves to be in their countless numbers.

"But they do not see all things. The cloud of judicial wrath hangs over them, containing the elements that destroyed Sodom. John saw this multitude. This demon-worship was revealed to him, and it seemed as if the whole world were standing on the brink of perdition. But as he looked with intense interest, he beheld a company of God's commandment keeping people. They had upon their foreheads the seal of the living God, and he exclaimed, "Here is the patience of the saints: here are they that keep the commandments of God, and the faith of Jesus. And I heard a voice from heaven saying unto me, Write, Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord from henceforth: Yea, saith the Spirit, that they may rest from their labors; and their works do follow them. ...

"The heart of God is moved. Souls are very precious in His sight. It was for this world that Christ wept in agony, for this world He was crucified. God gave His only begotten Son to save sinners, and He desires us to love others as He has loved us. He desires to see those who have had great light flashing that light upon the pathway of their fellow-men."  PH004 11-14.